
Yoga Shala New York


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Discover Yoga's Healing Power
...sed to lessen the negative effects of infertility, lung disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, cancer, high blood pressure, and joint pain. The beneficial effects of yoga practices are well recognized not only by the yoga community but also by medical doctors.One of the main elements that lead to an illness is ...more
Yoga Bolster An Equipment To Better Your Yoga
... of these poses.These bolsters come in different variety of sizes and shapes to give that extra strength and support. The bolsters are mostly placed under knees, ankles or neck, which helps to alleviate the muscle strain. It can also be used in different styles depending on the various yoga poses. These bolsters are used for ...more
Yoga Invigorates Your Sex Life
...ex that the act of sex is primarily meant for procreation.Among various types of Yoga, Tantra Yoga is said to be very much linked with sex. Tantra Yoga was a preferred practice in ancient India to better you sexually. Ancient Indian guide of sex Kamasutra have advocated usefulness of Tantra Yoga for enhanced le...more
Yoga Myth - Yoga is Not a Spiritual Practice
...o their limits. No matter what age we are, being physically aware of our bodies, comes first. This same awareness happens in a class.For most of us, the mental, emotional, and spiritual, planes of existence are developed as we age. The same is true within Yoga practice. As we continue to practice, and the years go by, we begin to realize the many ben...more
Yoga And The Benefits Of Menopause: A Means to Obtain Relief From Menopause Symptoms
...em to control. There are many benefits to menopause and yes, there are also downsides, but keeping positive, treating the symptoms can help you through menopause, and making the transition as easy as possible is important.Yoga and the benefits of menopause are important to your happiness. You need to look on the positive side of entering th...more
