
California Yoga Teacher Certification


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California Yoga Teacher Certification Information


Yoga - A Healthier Lifestyle More Easily
...r harmony with one another.By eliminating the imbalance there is no longer the constant conflict that the various areas find by fighting with one another.There comes a desire to live a healthier life because that is the natural state that we should all be living in and it is a state that makes you feel good. It opens up the mind to see more opportunities...more
Yoga Certification - On-Site vs Off-Site Training
...observing an experienced teacher in action, assisting in teaching a yoga class, etc. On-site courses are typically very hands-on. The higher quality off-site courses may have a community, teacher forum, Blog, regular newsletter, and Email or telephone support. Some hands-on training is important, so when possible, study with local teachers to enhance the...more
Yoga in Practice: Anger Management - Part 2
...the greatest difficulty with anger management, but vigorous asana practice or Vinyasa helps them deal with rage and anger much better.For two years, I taught Yoga classes within a local juvenile correctional facility. Some members of this group had serious issues with rage and anger. At first, there was some outright resistance to learning Yoga, even though they knew it would impro...more
Yoga for Kids - Teaching Our Young Ones How to Deal with Stress visualization meditation while in the yoga pose. For example, if in warrior pose, ask the child to visualize a warrior.Once this visualization is accomplished, advanced visuals can be practiced. Ask the child to paint a picture in their mind of their favorite place in their house or their favorite vacation spot.When the relaxation part is finished, have the children share their experience...more
Teaching Peace in Yoga Class
... use breath and yoga postures to expand that feeling of peace throughout the class.Mantras are a particularly effective way to shift our minds towards peace. I love Tich Nhat Hanh’s mantra from Peace is Every Step “Breathing in I calm my body, Breathing out I smile.” Tich Nhat Hanh teaches that peace and happiness are available to use if we can quiet our distracted minds.The single pointed...more


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