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Should Yoga Teachers Be Marketing Themselves?
... better mental health.There are many books on the benefits of Yoga, so my list is quite modest. Let’s look at just one benefit of Yoga. Would you rather have more pain or less? Pain is the relationship you never wanted. Once you have pain, you only want to get rid of it.Some people gladly pay anything to get rid of pain. So, now I ask, “Is Yoga still worthless?” The answer i...more
History of Yoga
...ion. Yoga is an ancient system of health and fitness which originated in India. The word yoga has its first mention in the Rig Veda, the oldest of the sacred texts. Those that study Yoga estimate it's age to be four thousand year.The history of Yoga can be divided into four main periods which are the pre-classical ...more
Secrets of Exceptional Yoga Teachers, Part 2
...s up late for class, is disorganized, and does not have a hint of lesson plan in his or her head, will not be successful. As a Yoga teacher, your conduct should be professional at all times. You cannot “act like a Yoga teacher” during a class and then provoke conflicts outside of your classes.Yoga instructor...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - How to Teach Your Students About Presence
...out the other." On top of this, some of your students are worried about tomorrow. There are plenty of reasons for people to worry, with the present state of relationships, job security, finances, health care, raising children, and more.So, where do you start to explain or demonstrate living in the moment? I...more
The Benefit of Yoga - Fight or Flight?
...of stress on the body can be eliminated, or at the very least greatly reduced. Through meditation and calming of the spirit, yoga teaches us to face the situation of "fight or flight" from a threat to a challenge. One is able through practice to focus on finding a solution, rather than creating an immediate response to the stimuli. One learns to be proactive, and ta...more
