
Yoga During Pregnancy


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How To Get A Top Notch Yoga Teacher Training Certification At Home
...lternative medical care has created an increase in the demand and need for yoga teachers. By becoming a teacher, you not only teach others yoga, but you also maintain your body and health through it. However, students are no longer forced to study outside of home to become certified. This article will explain how easy it is to become a fully certified instructor at home. There is today no need for...more
Novice Guide To Yoga
... scriptures was written before the 7th century BC, which makes it one of the oldest texts known to man!For many people in the west, the meditation aspects of yoga is known, however, there is more to yoga. Doing yoga for many people practicing yoga, is also a way to spiritual growth, and spiritual enlightenment.Benefits of Yoga When you start to do yoga...more
Yoga in Practice: Ajna Chakra
...ers think only in terms of physical Yoga (Hatha Yoga), only. Yet all Yoga practitioners are aware that Yoga involves physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. Therefore, let’s use the “window of your mind” to your advantage. Visualization is commonly used by successful people to turn thoughts into reality. Although this is a mental exercise, it is a form of spiritual innovation. This is ...more
Discovering Alternative Alcoholism Treatment Options
...other alternative therapy that can reap big treatment benefits. The vast majority of alcoholics have some sort of nutritional deficiency. Not only are they getting "filled up" on alcoholic beverages which have little or no nutritive value, drinking alcohol reduces the small intestine's ability to absorb nutrition. Once an alcoholic stops drinking, he or she should be evaluated for nu...more
Yogic Pranayama Methods for Anxiety Relief
...hniques you are practicing. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, please do not self-prescribe Pranayama techniques without a professional opinion. Your doctor will likely refer you to a competent Yoga teacher for Pranayama instruction. If not, you can still seek out a Yoga teacher, or Ayurvedic doctor, for advice.Never pra...more


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