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Chair Yoga Case Study – Relief of Asthma Symptoms
...y improved. My doctor noticed the change and told me to keep doing yoga. The class has also made a dramatic difference in my flexibility, especially the knee I had replaced. I doubt I would have the range of motion and flexibility I do without my weekly class.This past year has been filled with incredible stress in my personal life. Chai...more
Power Yoga And Powering It Up Yoga. The certain practices of Iyengar yoga and Bikram also influenced power yoga.Just like Bikram Yoga, notice that Power Yoga also applies the execution of the common basic yoga poses which is a good practice because even the beginners can do it.Power yoga also adapted some practices of the Iyengar Yoga which gives emphasis on the form and alignment during the practice. It also includ...more
What's the Best Program to Get Certified to Teach Yoga?
...s.They state that they offer yoga certification workshops for all levels of trainers, so whether you're just starting out or you've been teaching yoga for years, you can find courses and workshops that work for you.Seems like they might be worth the investment, money and time wise and personally, maybe I could beat my fri...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: What is Normal?
...rit; are you trying to help your students reach a normal state? If that is your goal, you may just frustrate yourself and confuse your Yoga students in the process.The fact is: Yoga teachers should help students improve their lives, but the goals are really up to the students. You can teach goal setting sk...more
Bhakti Yoga, The Yoga of Love
...eem as unimportant as they really are. What drives the devotee is the feeling that his Self is separated from the divine and the consequent desperation of his wish to achieve union, or, better put, the consciousness of union (for union is always there - it is just that the devotee has forgotten that, that ...more
