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Benefits of Yoga Practice for Middle-Aged People
... benefits have emerged. Many studies research the beneficial effects yoga has on the body. A very recent one affirms that even yoga practice on a regular basis, maintained regularly over time will avert the weight gain affiliated with aging. Now that's a good deal! Daily yoga practice can diminish the growing girth of the midsection ...more
Destination De-Stress! Newest Trend in Personal Wellness
...we’re an aging society or maybe we’re just all wising up, but personal wellness is becoming popular amongst the 50-something crowd. And, the latest trend in personal wellness is destination wellness retreats. Just Google wellness retreats on the Internet and you’ll find over 1.2 million hits. From Albuquerque to New Zealand many dedicated wellness...more
Won't You Join The Dance? All play to the same melody.Health and disease, happiness and misery.... are all variations on the same melody. Just that disease and misery are wrong variations. Distortions of the theme...When we tune in to the cosmic theme, when our biorhythm is in harmony with the biorhythm of nature, our being is in a state of dance to the celestial melody of the cosmos. And when this ...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga for Sciatica
...gravate sciatica and should be avoided. However, any asana can be modified for the specific needs of the student. Forward folds can easily be modified, by allowing the knees to bend.Encourage students, with sciatica, to be patient and steady with their yoga practice. The areas around the sciatic nerve,...more
Yoga for Fitness
... Yoga, which is a very mild form. You will learn the basics, including proper form, basic poses, meditation and relaxation. Ashtanga is popular, but it is not challenging. Once you have developed your regular practice, you will want to advance to other forms of Yoga.Two very popular forms of Yoga are Bikram and Power Yoga. Both of these forms are taught widely and are considered challen...more


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