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Yoga Teachers, Prepare for the New Year's Rush - Part 1
...ave a game plan for keeping Yoga students’ interest. Do not get too far off the track, but spice up your schedule with special workshops or “pilot” classes. Yoga classes are much like spice; too many flavors can ruin your dish, or in this case, your class.Keeping student interest has always been a challenge for teachers of an...more
Yoga Instructor Salary - How High A Salary Can You Earn As A Yoga Instructor?
... improve your health. There are many courses you can join, and books, e-books, CDs and DVDs for you to read and watch to learn. With continual practice, you can pretty soon become an instructor. Depending on the way you market yourself and your yoga business you can earn a very high salary as an instructor.Many people are apprehensive in becoming yoga ...more
Yoga For Interviews - Get The Job You Want!
... do basic breathing exercises to centre yourself before an important meeting. Own yourself. That is the question. The mistake many people make is that they think the interview process is almost like a stage for selling slaves. They will say and do anything to "get" the job. You really need to think about your life and what you are really fit for will come to you. It wi...more
Yoga For Healthy Life
...echnique 5. Niyama- Principles of self conduct: purity, self-surrender and satisfaction. 6. Samadhi- the state of higher consciousness where the individual dissolves in the meditation 7. Yama- Universal ethics like sexual restraint, non-stealing, truthfulness, non-violence. 8. Pratyahara- Control of SenseThese a...more
The Zen of Fishin'
... the jumping fish that got me. Well, all fish for that matter. I just got It. I mean, I Got IT.I got why men go fishing.It’s the zen of it. The yoga feel. Ask any guy, and he will tell you I’m nuts. You see, “yoga” sounds so feminine. So New World-ish. No Real Guy would do anything less than Real Guy Stuff.But fishing is truly a branch o...more
