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Fitness Coach Warns Golfers AGAINT Yoga and Pilates
...nd tendons,” says Moret. “In high speed activities like golf, the tendons function like springs or rubber bands to produce club-head-speed. The slower, more passive flexibility in Yoga and Pilates robs golfers of the elasticity that they need to drive the golf ball to the best of their ability and to conserve energy.” Moret utilizes a 4...more
Benefits of Yoga Therapy
...ess level and flexibility everyone should be doing yoga daily.Yoga can help slow down the aging process. Wonder what the secret to looking young is as you look at famous celebrities like Goldie Hawn, Madonna and Sting, it isn't plastic surgery it is yoga. The aging process is a brought on by autointoxication of our minds and bo...more
Use Yoga For Your Health
... practicing yoga for your health. Many people take up yoga simply as an exercise program because of medical reasons, such as a back injury. Others take up yoga because of a knee injury prevents them from jogging or other strenuous exercise. Many athletes take up yoga to improve their flexibility.As with any exercise program, yoga can improve your he...more
Frequently Asked Yoga Questions
...Through yoga you will find that you also will become more flexible just do not push yourself too hard. It takes time.Do men do yoga? Yes of course. In fact yoga has become much more popular for men over the last few years. Men get all of the same benefits that women do such as increased flexibility, strength and stress reduction.Where and when did yoga originate? Yoga is thousands and...more
Yoga Teacher Training Schools
... spirit. The goal of the yoga teacher is to support progression toward personal growth, mental acuity, and spiritual awareness in his or her students.Originating in India, the practice of yoga dates back six to seven millennia. Yoga in India remains a vital tradition as a pathway to enlightenment, a means to attaining spiritual and emo...more


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