
Yoga Club Rochester New York


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Learn The History Of Yoga
...bout 500 B.C.). It is a beautiful story of a conversation between the god of Hinduism, Krishna, and a prince named Arjuna. The plot, ironically enough, takes place on a battlefield. This location is often interpreted as a metaphor for the many distractions present in our turbulent world. Prince Arjuna had put himself in a difficult position, where he must fight parts of his family and friends.S...more
Yoga Instructor Salary - Is Money Evil?
... all, earning money will make you less spiritual - right?Once you become a Yoga teacher, you have to come to grips with reality. Is it true that the wealthy are greedy? Many of them give to charity, but some do not. Therefore, having more money does not affect the behavior of giving. Many of the poor give to charity, and some do not....more
Yama and Niyama in Yoga
...nd thus leads to increased strain on his mind and body.The above mentioned points deal with vairagya or the negative aspects of one’s behaviour. Now we take a look at some of the niyamas or the positive aspects of the behaviour as described by yoga:• Shoucha (Cleanliness): This includes the cleanliness of the mind and t...more
Yoga for Back Pain and Fibromyalgia Syndrome
...gical, physical, and spiritual benefits. According to results of a study sponsored by the Yoga Journal, released in June 2003, 15 million Americans, or over seven percent of US adults, practiced some form of this exercise form.Yoga for Fibromyalgia Sufferers The gentle exercise form can be practiced by almost anyone. The beauty ...more
Enhance Your Yoga Experience With The Latest Gear
...l your torso gently forward until you feel that distinctive sensation where you know you want to be.BlocksYoga blocks and bricks are used by many yogis to modify poses in their workouts. These blocks can help you to deepen your stretches, reduce the strain on a particular muscle group when you're beginning to learn a new pose, and provide a better founda...more
