
New York City Yoga Cles


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Secrets of Exceptional Yoga Teachers, Part 1
...lways be mindful of others.Take action and understand the laws of cause and effect (Karma). Most of the world takes no action at all, but exceptional Yoga teachers do not “sit on their hands.” Just by taking action, you will be a success in life. Great ideas mean nothing without action, but your actions should always help others. It is fine to help yourself, just make sure you ...more
Yoga Poses On The GO
...a cubby instead of an office, still there are some poses and stretches you can do which will relief tension, loosen you up and help you feel more refreshed.Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)Start by crossing one leg over the other and grasping the outer thigh of the top leg with the opposite arm. With your free arm, grasp the back of your chair and twist until you ...more
Learning To Love The Yoga We All Hate
...they never need to do again – ever.But why is it that there are certain yoga poses that we just dread? We can feel them coming, and start to hope the instructor isn’t going to do it this time. Then we inwardly cringe when the instructor even mentions that posture’s name. Simply recognising our reaction and can tell us a great deal not only about our physica...more
Yoga for Mind - Body and Spirit
...k in the morning and already the sun is high in the tropical sky. Heavy bulbous clouds herald the possibility of a rain shower later in the day, but then it has not rained here for several days and the luxuriant tropical plants in the garden that nestles down to the sea are looking in need of water. I am ...more
Yoga Mats Guide - Feel Comfortable With Yoga Mats
...est practice at the time of doing yoga exercises. It enables you to do certain yoga practices properly and efficiently.Yoga usually requires a lot of space but it can limit your space and enables you to stay in one place. Yoga mats are the best for yoga beginners. There are different type of yoga mats are available in t...more


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