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The Purpose of Yoga - Creating Happiness From Within hard for some us to grasp? Happiness is not something in a remote location, at the beach, or in beautiful mountains. Visiting any or all of these exotic places may make you happy, but happiness is a lot closer than most people realize.In fact, happiness exists within all of us. You can easily make a case that happiness is a choice. S...more
Facts About Chakra Awakening
... is highly a debatable topic, with two distinctly different schools of thought. The answer could be, “Yes” or “No”, depending upon which school of thought you are trained in.Firstly, let's cover the side that would say, “Yes” to helping you share the experience of Chakra awakening. There is no shortage of detailed information, made available by enlightened Yoga enthusiasts like Anodea ...more
Nude Aerobics Yoga?
...the others.People who do nude aerobics yoga can freely sweat and not be absorbed by cotton. This may sound gross but they claimed that people who perspire in clothes smell bad. Sweaty clothes are not pleasing to our nose. That is a fact. But those who perspire naturally smell better.Wearing shorts and trousers will raise t...more
Yoga For Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight With Yoga
...The thyroid is mainly responsible for keeping a check on the metabolism rate of a person. Thyroid secretes a hormone that controls the metabolism of the body. If the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland is more then you can easily burn the fat in the body, and reduce your weight.The different medicines that are available in the market related to weight loss increase t...more
Find an Anxiety Treatment That Works for You and Stick with It
...with It This may come as a shock to you, but professionals such as doctors, lawyers psychological counselors, music teachers, etc. do not know everything there is to know about all the available information in the field. Although the foremost authority on anxiety and anxiety treatments may be able to tell ...more
