
New York Yoga Teacher Training


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Hatha Yoga
... the yoga ideal of union and flow with the energetic harmonics of the universe. The unblocking and balancing of subtle body energies in yoga is a primary goal. Hence the yoga term "hatha" comes from the two Sanskrit roots, "ha" which means "sun," and "tha" which means moon. The word "yoga," meaning to yoke, control or unite, ...more
Dangers of Kundalini Yoga
...ome proud and this can easily lead to our downfall.With Kundalini powers we may get distracted from our most important task of self-realisation. Outer miracles and occult powers, which come from Kundalini yoga, do not help in anyway in our spiritual path of self-discovery. To achieve lasting peace, joy and inner happiness we need to conquer th...more
How Can Yoga Contribute Towards Clearer - Healthier Skin? eight hours beauty sleep in order for our skin to repair the daily damage done to it and to prepare for the day ahead. If you do not get enough sleep your skin will often look dull and tired.Yoga works every muscle in the body and that really can tire you out. So, when it comes to bed time you should be really...more
Yoga and Mental Self-Reconciliation
...o spot a person who has a severe mental illness, but you would be “hard pressed” to notice milder forms. Yoga can be an aid to many of the mild forms of mental illness and attention disorders that affect our society today.At some point in life, we may all feel a little down, but severe depression is a serious condition and can lead to many other mental and physical problems...more
You Can Learn Yoga From A Yoga Retreat Destination is more than just a vacation -- it's a whole new way of life and in some ways, a rebirth.Yoga retreat vacations are great for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. An instructor since 1997, Jillian Pransky says, "Many of my students are city dwellers. Their yoga is fit in between running in and out of busy streets and wedged into their bu...more


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