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Yoga Solutions For Anger Management - Meditation Practice for Energy Channeling
...then your meditation sessions after the first month has passed? Not unless you want to, but my guess is you will want to.One benefit that is absolutely guaranteed: Regular Yogic meditation is preventative medicine for anger, stress, anxiety, and a multitude of emotional problems. It may not help you in the “heat of battle,” but it will prevent battles from tak...more
Yoga Stories - The Yoga Energy Arose In Me And Asked Me What I Wanted
...were an energetic window that had opened and spoke to me..My wish was simply to meet someone from the yoga community where I had once lived for ten years.It had been five years since I had left there, and I rarely bumped into any residents or former residents. That community was 90 miles away, and most people that ...more
Yoga For Wrinkles?
...ttan's wealthy Upper East Side who teaches facial exercises, and she’ll say it does. Hagen is the author of “The Yoga Face: Eliminate Wrinkles with the Ultimate Natural Facelift.” She believes a yoga facial can improve your appearance since it improves the circulation of weak and flabby facial muscles.“The face carries a great d...more
Choosing Yoga Clothing - Stop Posing!
... benefit from each of your workouts so that it encourages you to continue and thus achieve the compound benefits from regular, methodical exercise. Many people worry about the correct yoga clothing to wear during their workouts. They shouldn't, as it is really very simple and involves making common sense choices. However, ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Taking Control of Your Life
... the best.Do you ever have a co-worker who enjoys making others feel inferior? Consider this: We have to give permission to those who insult us, in order for them to make us feel less worthy. Without our permission, they hold no power over us.If you believe that your existence is a problem, mistake, or error, then you really do have troubles. Self-doubt leads to self-defeat. Yet, all is no...more
