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Digestive Disorders - Yoga Management
... heating, and thus balancing to Vata types, as long as the person has the strength to do them.** One of the digestive benefits of yoga is that it restricts the blood flow to certain parts of the body while holding some poses. Once these poses are released, this area of the body is then flooded with blo...more
Bikram Yoga Explained
... Cobra Pose17 Salabhasana Locust Pose18 Poorna - Salabhasana Full Locust Pose19 Dhanurasana Bow Pose20 Supta - Vajrasana Fixed Firm Pose21 Ardha - Kurmasana Half Tortoise Pose22 Ustrasana Camel Pose23 Sasangasana Rabbit Pose24 Janushirasana with Paschimottanasana Head To Knee Pose with Stretching Pose25 Ardha - Matsyendrasana Spine Twisting Pose26 Khapalbhati Blowing...more
Yoga Teacher Training: Becoming a Yoga Teacher after 40
... in a class and learn about auto mechanics to your heart’s content, but the lesson is not the same.Time and experience are an education. Now, your Yoga students are not automobiles, but life’s lessons are very valuable when teaching Yoga. Your previous life experience is a treasure when working with your Y...more
Yoga Kit - A Help For Better Yoga
... best used kits which are offers some of the biggest and exercise equipment. Most of these kits include straps, yoga balls, and foam blocks, all of them help in attaining the proper pose and also the level of concentration will be helpful in creating more healthy body.Some of the most common kits areBasic Yoga Kit Children’s Kit Maternity Kit Yoga...more
Yoga for Brain Injury
...and physicality of Bikram make it a less safe option. In the beginning, look instead for class titles like: "Restorative," "Beginner," "Iyengar," "Kripalu" and "Gentle."Yoga Journal offers many DVD's, in case survivors prefer to learn in the comfort of their homes. Start with short sessions to build up mental and phy...more


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