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Allergies - Yoga and Lifestyle
...ternal cleansing.** Eat the largest meal when you are most capable of digesting it i.e, between 12.00 and 1.00 pm.** Cold drinks, ice cream, frozen yogurt and other cold foods are to be avoided** Avoid eating heavy evening meals, particularly after 7 PM.** Avoid excessively hot spices, sour and acidic foods.** Drinking alcohol or coffee should be stopped.** Cleanse the body before the aller...more
Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Yoga posture - Half Moon
...s relieve stress and improves digestion.You are not ready for the Half Moon posture if your body and top shoulder are dropping forward. Use a support (at first use a chair, then once you are comfortable with the chair use a box that is lower than the chair), until your body is strengthens enough to hold a beautiful and straight Half-Moon posture.When you are ready to reach down and up sim...more
Ayurveda, Yoga - Unique Indian Culture
... suggest cleansing process (panchakarma) specific lifestyle, nutritional guidelines, yoga, herbal supplement, to assist the individual in restoring the balance of the doshasThere are many commonalities in Ayurveda and Yoga, to mention few a) Both are ancient Vedic teachings. Yoga originates in the Yajur Veda, while Ayurveda orig...more
Yoga And Meditation Go Hand-In-Hand
...articularly "Sahaja Yoga."In recent years, Sahaja yoga and meditation has caught a lot of media attention for its alleged healing properties, as well as its use at Rikers Island prison in New York City to treat mentally disturbed criminals. It is believed that Sahaja relaxation technique can instill a sense of deep spirituality and facilitates the release and cir...more
Learning To Love The Yoga We All Hate
...thing to do with the technicalities of the pose – it’s just about ourselves. The biggest resistance to trying a pose is because we know its going to hurt and challenge us. Some of the most dreaded poses are those that require back muscle strength, since these are some of our least developed and worked muscles groups. As soon as we lie down on our stomachs, we start to dr...more


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