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Understanding the Yoga Sutras
... chatter into silence, which is the basis for meditation.1:3 "When the thoughts have settled, the subject dwells in his/her own nature, which is unlimited consciousness." This would be, when you have calmed your mind, by restraining the mind chatter, you are ready for meditation.1:4 "Otherwise, our nature is overshadowed by mind chatter." In ot...more
How Long Does It Take to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher? really helps with credibility in the yoga community at large.How Long Will Yoga Certification TakeTraining may take place at a physical location, while other programs offer training courses that are taken in the privacy of your own home. You move through home study yoga teacher programs at your own pace. You will also benefit by working hands-on with yoga friends or a local certified instructor...more
5 Reasons to Use Yoga to Battle Modern Day Stresses
... years of practice for the willing student. Many of the problems suffered in modern life can be erased by following a regular yoga routine.Reasons to practice Yoga1. Yoga can release the tense muscles caused by hours of sitting at a desk.Yoga differs from other forms of exercise in that it involves motions that don't cause strain on the body. It isn’t an aerobic exe...more
The Origins of Yoga done well before Pantanjali, his writing "encouraged" the practice of yoga and it began widespread practice throughout India.Written in Sanskrit it contained the eight sutras that are the basic principles of Yoga practice. Physical activity focuses on the body, meditation on the mind and emotions. Yoga combines the practices to give you an ov...more
Mistaking Our Identity
... we find just exactly what we need in our lives, a new tool through which we create greater balance, health, and happiness.The problem arises when we allow the solution, the tool that is working for us, to define us. Let’s say we begin a yoga practice, which cures the chronic back pain we’ve been experiencing for years. We go around preaching to anyone who will listen about the joys ...more


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