
Beginners Yoga Videos Dvds


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Yoga at the Office: Improving Your Body and Mind
... AT THE OFFICE" - SIGN UP AND BRING YOUR BOSS! Work can be a stressful situation - people yelling, people running around, people refusing to put more paper in the copier - and it can be rather easy to get caught up in the stress: stress generates more stress. However, practicing yoga at work helps to keep you calm, helping you to rise above...more
Kriya Yoga - Brief History
...r than that. It would appear that the Bhagavad-Gita mentions a Kriya Yogi technique in a stanza that states:"That meditation expert becomes eternally free who, seeking the Supreme Goal (Samahdi), is able to withdraw from external phenomena by fixing his gaze within the mid-spot of the eyebrows and b...more
Yoga for Everyone
...bed of nails.There are different forms of yoga, each emphasizing different areas of wellness and other states of being. When practicing yoga, everyone is encouraged to pay attention to their body. If something hurts, stop or back off of the stretch. The instructor will work with individuals, usually upon request, to adjust the p...more
Keep a Rug Around for Yoga
...n and dyed a lovely serene turquoise color. Thankfully there were no fringes on the edges sine we have a little dog running around the office. The last thing I need is for the dog to choke on loose pieces of thread from my rug!Now that I have this rug in my cube, I have the freedom to work on a few warrior poses. Not to m...more
Reduce Weight - Innovative and Effective Way to Reduce Weight make peace with yourself. It will make you less starved and your food consumption reduces thereby burning your excess calories.Yoga does not mean meditation alone. It helps you to become stronger from the inside. It re distributes excessive baby fat inside the body. There are a lot of exercises which help in different w...more


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