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An Introduction to the Different Types of Yoga
...hatha yoga. This style focuses on the physical workout with little discussion about the spiritual side of yoga.Kundalini Yoga - one of the styles that allows increased flexibility, energy, serenity and personal empowerment without causing stress. This style often uses chants as well as yoga postures to achieve...more
A Review Of Yoga For Pregnant Women
...pregnancy. Try poses like "the hero," "the sage twist" and "the cobbler."For its classes, look at Yoga website and search for a center near you. If you'd rather practice alone, some videos that focus on it for pregnancy include:- Yoga Journal's Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea; - Dr. Christine Anderson's Dynamic Prenatal Yog...more
Understanding Yoga and Pranayama
...s to purify the subtle energies flowing through the body. Pranayama is an important, yet little known part of Yoga. Pranayama establishes regular breathing patterns, breaking this negative cycle, and reversing the process.Any Yoga classes should normally include practice of pranayama (breathing techniques, Dhyana (meditation), yoga nidra (psychic sleep or deep relaxation), and philo...more
The Abode of Peace
...than (SVYASA), or Yoga Research Institute in India. It's not for everybody, though. You must be a dedicated student. The rules here are strict and the studies intense.The SVYASA teaches the original meaning and purposes of yoga. Intensive yoga instruction and yoga-inspired therapy techniques are taught. Th...more
The Truth about Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 6” on the term, “blind date.” Our Partner Yoga workshops did serve to get singles more comfortable with each other. So, Partner Yoga can be adapted and re-define the purpose of a Yoga class.We know that Yoga training helps people in every aspect of health. However, Partner Yoga integrates Yoga with touch, bonding, and ...more


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