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Teaching Hatha Yoga - How Long Should Warm-Ups Be?
...ony (which may end with a reading, Udgeeth Pranayama, Japa, Namaste, Thank You, a combination of these, or something else).The value of warm-ups, before Asana (Yoga posture) practice, cannot be understated in Yoga, and in life. Warm-ups reduce the chance of injury to the practitioner. The time spent doing warm-ups can vary due to the purpose...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Ethics and Professionalism to show positive reinforcement to their students, cultivate an atmosphere of positive energy.When you teach a Yoga class, your mission is “to serve.” The Yoga class is for the student’s benefit. Think about this, from the beginning, to the end, of your class. Be mindful of your words and be careful not t...more
Learning Yoga - Great Reasons to Get Involved
...perfect physical form. This is because those that practice Hatha believe that the perfect form is what helps them attain spiritual perfection. They employ breath control exercises and hand gestures to reach self realization.• Kundalini Yoga - this is the potential form of life force that is lying dormant in our bodies. It is seen as a coiled up serpent that lays in th...more
Is Yoga a Myth?
...imilarly, recently I read about Sri Subbudu (the famous Carnatic Music Critic from India) who is also above 90 and who has also been practicing Yoga since his childhood, that he suffered a Heart Attack. I request Yoga Experts and Doctors who have knowledge on this to explain. I may be wrong. If Yoga ...more
3 Keys to Unlock Greater Benefits from Yoga Practice
... each practice.Challenge yourselfOne of the purposes of yoga, like every exercise regime, is to incrementally improve your body's physical capabilities. Yoga of course has the added advantage that it also helps to improve many aspects of your health and well-being that general exercise cannot.Even with these increased benefits, yoga is not a magic cure-all. Achieving these ...more
