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Overcoming Eating Disorders Through Yoga of self esteem and promote a positive view of your own body. This is a crucial factor in eating disorders and has been shown to significantly increase recuperation and healing. By eliminating self judgment, yoga establishes a strong connection between mind and body, allowing the two elements to work together in decreasing any negative effects. Anorexia affects your body’s energy ...more
Discover Yoga - A Gift For The Rest Of Your Life
... pure joy of feeling your body shift in micro movements, then Yoga will take you until the end of your days. I can't promise you you'll be pain free, (although at 61 I do not have a single joint pain or a single complaint) but Yoga wakes up your body like no other activity- just like that hit of chocolate. I guarantee that every day you'll want to honour your body and celebrate all i...more
Yoga and MS
...nerstone of MS progression.Because MS may have progressed beyond a person's ability to participate in other forms of exercise, yoga is a good choice, with a certain adaptability and versatility to it. For instance, to help balance, poses such as The Mountain and Warrior can be used with the help of a wall where The Tree and The Eagle poses can be used with the help of a chair. Many poses ar...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - Reduced Anxiety and Blood Pressure
... strides in lowering my blood pressure. I went from readings of 190/120 to 115/62. My doctor was shocked and amazed. I have found ways to incorporate brief yoga breaks into my life. I do little “bites” of yoga all day long. Just dropping my tongue to the bottom of my mouth makes such a big difference in how I feel, both physically and mentally. I don’t make time to do an entire hour of yoga o...more
12 Step Yoga Therapy, As Easy As Breathing
...mple of this is the yoga breathing techniques. With regular forms of exercise, breathing does play a part, but not as much as with yoga. You learn to breath the correct way with your yoga practice and this makes all the difference to helping you stay in better health.Yoga breathing exercises are i...more
