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Chair Yoga Case Study - Reduced Anxiety and Blood Pressure
...ober. I’m proudly 64 years old, a mother and a grandmother. I’ve been working part-time at my church for 20 years. I’ve been married to a wonderful man for 38 years. I have been doing chair yoga since June of 2005.I had a stroke and my neurologist suggested practicing yoga. I called three yoga studios, and when they heard I was “post stroke” they did not want ...more
How Are Muscle Building and Stress Related?
...f yoga, find one that fits your style and then attend classes and/or get a video and do the movements at home. This will align your mind, body and soul and just release the stress right out of your body. I really recommend a yoga class, as the group activity is good for us and also to learn the yoga moves correctly.It is said that after eating whole foods ...more
Different Stages of Yoga
...on the body, making it supple, flexible, and healthy. Mastery of the asanas can be calculated by one’s ability to maintain a prescribed postures for an extended period of time, without involuntary movement or physical distractions. Pranayama ("breath control") is a series of exercises intended to stabilize the rhythm of breat...more
Music Review of YogaMotion - White Swan Yoga Masters Volume 4
...acks later, Jai Uttal and Ben Leinbach slow things down a bit with "Mahadeva." Before this exquisite CD concludes, we're treated to Prem Joshua and Manish Vyas doing "Habibi" and Deva Premal singing "Guru Rinpoche Mantra" as only she can. In short, Yoga Motion: White Swan Yoga Masters Vol. 4 takes the listener on a most extraordinary journey. With over 77 minutes ...more
The Four Stages of Yoga Evolution
...century, Patanjali composed a seminal text, Yoga Sutra and Classical Yoga. At these times the 195 sutras in Yoga Sutra, used in Raja Yoga (the eightfold Yoga path).The eightfold Yoga paths are:Yama (restraint)Niyama (observance of purity, tolerance and study)Pranayama (breath control)Asana (Physical exercises)Pratyahara (preparation for Meditation)Dhyana (Meditation)Dharana (concentra...more
