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Getting Bent Into Shape In Texas - Or Yoga For Beginners
...tself means "union" in Sanskrit, which was the language of ancient India , where Yoga originated. So quite literally, you can say Yoga is the union that happens between mind, body and spirit.But Yoga is probably more accurately described in Sanskrit as "asana," which is the practice of physical postures or poses. And yet, Asana is on...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management
... stress will make a pre-existing illness worse. If you are seriously ill, one of the last things you need is an extra serving of stress, or anxiety, to go with it.Most Yoga teacher training courses barely scratch the surface, when considering the needs of stressed-out students. More often, attention is paid to the technical aspects of Pranayama (yogic breathing), asana (yogic posturing), s...more
Yoga Can Benefit Skiing and Snowboarding
...l chair. They may also be having a new "intimate relationship" with their doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, massage therapist, or all of the above.This sorry state of affairs is often the result of the person still attempting to ski in that "attack the mountain and moguls" style that was learned when the body was younger, better...more
A Look into the Future
...ent. There are even occasions when you wish you were somewhere else. (Since my yoga instructor may read this article, I must provide the disclaimer that that situation only occurs occasionally.) But I digress.One of the purposes of being in the present is to enjoy the only time you truly have. The past is past, and the future is not here. No amount of worrying will change ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Gifts To Give Your Yoga Students
...em to become their own best Yoga teacher. A Yoga student must learn to develop full awareness of his or her physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Never hold back any information, which will benefit a Yoga student’s health or success. Yoga teachers are a guide toward a healthy and successful l...more
