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Detoxify Your Body and Clear Your Mind With Ashtanga Yoga
...d don't sweat much.Ujjayi engages me; it encourages me to remain focused on the practice. If my mind begins to wander, the beautiful sound of the breath is lost and becomes uneven, reminding me to go back to the deep breathing. By the end of the practice, the combination of focusing on the Victorious Breath and the ever growing process of perfecting each pose creates stillness in my head (whic...more
Benefit of Yoga Part I
...ciences.This discussion on yoga as science is important for us to include because it allows us to sensibly ask the question: what are the benefits of yoga? After all, if yoga is a faith or a belief, then asking this question isn't fair; because it's one that yoga cannot answer in terms that we can objectively understand.Yoga is a science; as empi...more
How to Strengthen the Immune System with Yoga
...e was definitely dripping a little bit. When I stepped into class, I needed a tissue and I was a slightly concerned that my practice might be tricky with a cold brewing.By the time I got to triangle pose (about 20 minutes)... there was no dripping nose whatsoever.I left the class feeling fantastic (as always)... and realised that the cold had totally disappeared. And I haven't had one symptom ...more
Can You Lose Weight from Yoga and Reap The Rewards?
... sensible eating plan with low fat foods, fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrain cereals and breads, lean meats, fruit juice, low fat yogurt and surprisingly, you will not be hungry. You could end up eating more and actually losing weight. This is the way you will lose weight from yoga. A word of caution with regard to low fat foods, check th...more
Yoga For The Elderly
... makes me feel privileged to be teaching the elderly is their surrender during relaxation, and even more during the deep final relaxation (yoga nidra).After nine weeks of participating in an Iyengar yoga program designed for senior citizens, 24 elderly females had a faster stride, an increased flexibility in the lower extremities,...more
