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Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure - The Silent Killer
...on yoga postures that help in lowering high blood pressure include the ‘corpse posture' and the ‘knee-squeeze' posture.Other yoga postures could also be practiced to help in controlling blood pressure. It is essential to consult a trained and reputed yoga instructor.You need to understand that high blood pressure is an ailment, with a few exceptions, that is associated with your...more
What to Look for When Hiring a Yoga Teacher (Part 2)
...h employs compassionate Yoga instructors.Communication is more than good cueing skills. Students learn primarily by seeing, listening, and feeling. One of these senses will be more dominant than the rest. A competent Yoga teacher will be able to reach all of these types of students.Cueing is a skill refined by describing specifically how the body ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Cueing Insights
... students retain information by actually performing a technique. Some studies estimate that 90% of all people learn by “doing.” In comparison, only a small percentage (10 to 20%) of your Yoga students will retain what you demonstrate or what they hear.Below are some examples of what never to do when cueing your Yoga students.The Introverted...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Teach your Students about Tranquility
...tudents have learned the meaning of "Union." At this point, the student is seriously dedicated to his or her personal practice. Then, the serious questions will come, because an advanced student of Yoga will experience self-realization and spiritual growth.If the questions do not come to you, do not worry about it. If a...more
Yoga Teacher for a Day, Part 1
...t it is easy for the public to be confused about which style of Yoga is most familiar to them.Getting back to the issue at hand - this example of a typical working day is based upon my experience, the experiences of my staff, and the experiences of Yoga teachers who I come into contact with. Please bear in mind that many Yoga teachers work part time,...more
