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Teaching Hatha Yoga - What Do Hatha Yoga Students Want?
...oga pose). Again, the physical challenges are presented as the major aspects of Yoga practice.So, what do Hatha Yoga students want? To put it simply, they want some sort of mind and body exercise. Beginner Yoga classes could be presented as an exercise class, with much more to learn on the horizon. To guide beginner Yoga students o...more
Practice Hard, Heal Fast? - Yoga Flexibility & Stretching Exercises
...ility and strength of muscles and connective tissues.GREENS: chlorophyll-dense plant foods boost energy and detoxify the blood.VIT C: boosts the immune system and enhances the effects of MSM.TRACE MINERALS: balance the electrolytes in the body and provide building blocks for tissues.I created YOGABODY because it mad...more
Learning Focus and Concentration Through Yoga
...n’t that what we are all after? To discover our positive and confident inner self, to become focused, to calm the chaos, gain overall strength, balance and poise.Concentration and focus are just two of the benefits of yoga which will come quickly to the dedicated novice, and they will become even more ...more
Practicing Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
...type of breathing that is done by keeping the mouth closed, and slightly constricting the throat. Its' effect is to reduce the amount of air passing though, which thereby increases its' force and speed.A lot of heat is generated in the body when breathing ujjayi style. It also helps keep the mind focused on the asanas themselves, and is...more
Yoga and Circulation
...n cause the body to tense, restricting circulation in the process. It frees the mind, allowing the body to follow. Yoga also frees the mind and body through Mindfulness. A practice where a person focuses on his or her thoughts in the present moment, Mindfulness is based on conscious breathing and conscio...more


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