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Beginner's Guide To Yoga Breathing Exercises
...breathing exercises when you want to calm down, when you feel tensioned, since they have the benefit of reducing anxiety and stress. All you have to do is to gently press your left nostril and inhale through your right one, then press your right nostril and exhale through the left one. At the same time, make sure you are breathing slowly - r...more
Yoga And The Benefits Of Menopause: A Means to Obtain Relief From Menopause Symptoms
...nd benefits of menopause is very important when you begin to experience the symptoms of menopause. Let us look at yoga and the benefits of menopause.First of all your body is changing. You are no longer in a childbearing state. You have freedom from those monthly menstrual cycles that cause pain and yes, you will pick up a few not so wonderful symptoms in retu...more
Yoga and Children due to a lack of exercise. A yoga and children program can combat and prevent these problems. Yoga is a fun activity, making it a great choice for children who are not much into exercise. The low impact nature of yoga gives kids the chance to get physical fitness in their routine without causing them any injury.Childr...more
The Spirit of Compassion
...g someone else's pain go away- for at times the struggle is part of the natural evolution of things. In Buddhism, we liken struggles to the beautiful lotus flower that blossoms only by dwelling in the muddy waters. Empathy does not entail taking on someone's else karma, but it does ask us to dive deep into our hearts and ...more
Yoga and The Da Vinci Code
...k at the present: Dan Brown has skillfully weaved a tale of fact and fiction that created a Best Seller. Many authors did this before, and even since the release of his best selling book. This has spawned “copy cat’ books that give Leonardo Da Vinci credit for everything, including the Shroud of Turin.It has created a sensation, but the truth can still be...more
