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Stress Management - Yoga
...y practised it strengthens nervous system, takes one to a deep state of relaxation and tranquility thereby helping people to face stressful situations more positively. The postures stretch limbs and exercises soothe muscles, organs and nervous system while the breathing technique helps to focus and relax at the same time and meditation ensures an overall feel...more
Yoga Shoes And Supplies
...ortant to have good clothing. Comfortable, loose fitting, stretchy pants or shorts, and cotton T-shirts, tanks or sweaters are best. Socks are optional, as are shoes.Our final subject in yoga shoes and supplies are advanced equipment needs. You may choose to use all or none of these items. One of these items is a yoga ball. These large inflatable ball...more
Different Poses For Yoga muscles, the hamstrings, the groin muscles, the chest muscles, and the calf muscles. If you are experiencing problems with insomnia, reduced blood pressure, or diarrhea, you should not do this pose.4. Seated Forward is a bending pose. The common name is the Paschimottanasana. This particular stance is great for th...more
Yoga Teacher Training: Am I Too Old to Become a Yoga Teacher?
... for this opportunity, and is a younger Yoga instructor better suited to teach Yoga to the public?Some of these veteran Yoga students have decades of experience, but feel intimidated by the “young hard bodies.” This is a deep subject, so let’s take a closer look at what holds some of us back from becoming a Yoga teacher.The following three issues are worth mentioning at this point:...more
Yoga for Mind - Body and Spirit
... metres from the sea. The warm Gulf of Thailand is lapping on the beach as I stand and watch a yoga class of half a dozen participants energetically practising the poses or ‘asanas’ that the teacher is urging them to try. It all looks very energising to me and they still have another hour of this pract...more


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