
Brittabushnell Yoga Teacher


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Yoga Can Help to Avoid Cancer
...oeopathic medicines, and other physical treatments.But the most interesting methods are suggested by those doctors who encourage patients to reconsider their whole lives, to face their disappointments, frustrations and pain, and to rebuild the picture of health by constructing a fresh mental image of themselves—one of wholeness and g...more
Yoga For Cancer Afflicted Folks
...y of patients.Your immune system gradually becomes stronger with constant yoga exercises. Once you become internally stronger to resist maladies, you are less susceptible to tumor and cancer.Since cancer patients are very likely to be under immense stress as it is one of the lethal diseases, Yoga offers a solutio...more
Yoga Therapy
...frequently sought by those who are in danger of succumbing to the unnatural circumstances of modern life.All this, though it is well in the domain of psychotherapy, does not constitute the main urge for the existence of Yoga-therapy. The main urge is one that Western psycho-therapy fights shy of absorbing, yet it is more...more
Pilates vs Yoga
...e practice of Yoga is unknown, it is well documented that Joseph Hubertus Pilates was the originator of Pilates. While Pilates mostly focuses on the physical body, Yoga concentrates on a unity of mind, body, and spirit. Lastly, some practices of Pilates require actual equipment to perform while the only form of outside resources required for Yoga is that of a Mat a...more
Yoga: Adding Balance to Your Life
... tensing the muscles around your ears!After you have tensed and relaxed every muscle in your body, lie quietly for at least 10 minutes and rest. You will be grateful for the deep relaxation you’ll experience.A roaring exerciseAnother way to relax the muscles in your face is to practice roaring like a lion! Sit comfortably, then open your mouth ...more
