
Pilates Yoga Differences Step Aerocs


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Yoga Studio Customer Service
...and the morale of your customer service staff, because they will answer questions in the same way.No one will give a “wrong answer,” and your Yoga student prospects will not hang up, while they are kept on hold. Every missed phone call, poor answer, poor customer service, or hang up, is lost revenue, which...more
Concentration and Meditation
... it is focused on zero or nothing. This is the stage at which concentration goes over into meditation and nothing is everything.There is another significant point to note in this connection. In concentration one has to force the mind to stay at the object or within the confined area of the mental territory. In meditation the attention and its flow toward the object is spontaneous without a...more
Yoga - A Help During Your Menstruation Days
...ic compression aids cramps and heavy bleeding.2. Supported Standing Poses* Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)* Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon Pose) It is done with a support system which can be chair or wall.These poses are always good for those painful backaches which are such a nightmare f...more
Improve Your Memory With Every Breath You Take
...thing is easy to do and can be done just about anywhere at any time. The following is a simple nostril breathing exercise. Try this exercise for at least a week to experience the benefits of intentional breathing:-Try to sit with your head, neck and spine in a straight line.-You will inhale through one nostril, hold the breath, t...more
Tantric Yoga
...era was synonymous with that of the early Egyptian dynasty. There has been a progression over the centuries, an occurrence that seems to happen in most traditional arts, of the practice and true meaning behind the concept of Yoga. To say that Tantric is not what it used to be would be a very extreme understatement.If one studied the art in depth, focusing on the original archaeologically found...more


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