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Stress Management Through Yoga
... future it creates serious other maladies.But still there is a therapy which is purely natural and is considered to be the best weapon against stress and that is “YOGA”. Yoga is the ancient mantra for sound health and also to retain juvenility to a great extent. It has been practiced by several Rishi-Munis in ancient India and now has become a major concern among the modern ge...more
Oh What a Feeling! - One Session and You’ll be Hooked It’s like washing away a weeks worth of murky worries and doubts, and ending up with a crystal-clear train of thought.Yoga’s powers of mental rejuvenation will affect every aspect of your everyday life. The little things in life (that deadline to meet, that mysterious new scratch in your car, that dog that won’t stop barking) simply won’t break as easily into that c...more
Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 2
...nd the beginning of bedtime. This will allow your body and mind the time to wind down and relax. Also, this is just one more good reason to practice Sun Salutations during the morning hours.Strength, muscle tone, and coordination are also benefits that Yoga students can expect to see and feel. During my experience while teaching Yoga...more
Yoga's Influence on Stress on the battlegrounds before posing for a victory photo. Because Yoga balances the different systems of the body, the central nervous system, the endocrine system, and the digestive system, it balances mental activity, slowing it down in the process. Yoga also stretches the body, providing a masseuse for internal organs, and creating a sense of peace from the inside out. In add...more
A "Must Have" Yoga Book has been revealed. Have you been looking for an English / Sanskrit cross reference? Are the exact pronunciations of Sanskrit terms still a mystery? Would you like to learn a lot more about Sanskrit as it pertains to Yoga?You don’t have to search anymore. “The Language of Yoga” is an interactive book an...more


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