
Boston Pilates Yoga


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Yoga Position - What Does Each Type Do?
... attention if not focused, you will not be able to do the pose.Twists I love to do twists. Twists release tension in your spine and increase shoulder and hip mobility. They also help relieve backaches by stretching and opening up your back muscles. I often experience tightness in my upper back and twists help me loosen ...more
Weight Loss and Yoga - Estranged Bed Partners?
...Bed Partners? When you primarily want to significantly and rapidly lose weight, experts and fitness gurus attest that yoga is not the exercise of fitness regime for you.But is there any reason why yoga would not be highly recommended for weight loss?Actually, it is a great and amusing fact that yoga and weight loss are estranged bed partners. It is because yoga also facilitate weight loss. Wh...more
Dancing To The Beat Of Music
...ed with sound or music. Yoga music helps you set yourself in the mood to start the exercise.With the different kinds of music, it will surely set your condition. There are various types of Yoga music like active, serene, kirtan, and mellow. Usually, it is the sounds of nature like wind chimes, chirping birds, wilderness and many others. While some are ch...more
Yoga - A Brief Historic Perspective
...ogis then started focusing on how to attain individual enlightenment.It is widely accepted today that many religions have their actual roots in shamanism, of which we know that it tried to act as a conduit between the known and the unknown. Shamanism could be seen as the belief system of people who lived during the Stone Age. Life on earth has always been challenging. Even in modern times many p...more
Yoga in Practice: The Impact of Yoga Teachers on Society - Part 2
... display loving kindness, forgiveness, and mindfulness to others, you are a living example of integrity.Yoga teachers have the ability to influence humankind toward world peace on a small scale. When you are kind to others, you set a chain reaction into motion. Loving kindness is contagious and makes the world a better place.Much like the counter-culturists...more
