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Yoga Teacher Training: The Value of the Sage in Yoga
... Before the Yoga class started, she was walking on her hands, touching her heels to the back of her head, and doing full splits in every possible direction. She also put on the same performance before her Tai Chi class.Needless to say, she did not sign up for either class. About Yoga: She claimed that one Yoga class was all she...more
Yoga Teacher Guidelines for Assisting, Part 2
...ependent contractor for a Yoga studio, or the local health club, you still need to establish guidelines. These guidelines become your “company policy,” and need to be enforced for student protection and for your livelihood.Here is a little additional “food for thought.” Imagine a new student - arriving late, skipping the warm-up, who didn’t sign a release form, and no one had time to explain any...more
Why Chair Yoga
...ution. Chair Yoga will develop or maintain the body’s circulation, flexibility and strength, with very low impact. It is a complete health maintenance exercise program.However, there are a multitude of reasons why people attend Chair Yoga classes. Over the years, I have seen clients, who have had a huge variety of ailments, take Chair Yoga classes for physical rehabilitation, and to...more
Bikram Yoga move fresh, oxygenated blood to 100% of your body, to each organ and fiber, restoring all systems to healthy working order, just as Nature intended. Proper weight, muscle tone, vibrant good health, and a sense of well-being will automatically follow."---- All this in 90 minutes.I felt AMAZING after my first session. I returned home and s...more
Yoga For Multiple Sclerosis
...thing techniques (pranayama) from a wheel chair or a hospital bed.What can we realistically expect Yoga therapy to do for those who have MS? Yoga enables anyone to set goals. The physical practice of postures can strengthen the legs. In turn, a person who has sat in the wheel chair and put their walker aside, for...more


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