
Online Certification Yoga Pilates


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Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture – Standing Forward Bend
... torso allows the spine to stretch, hanging passively from the hips. However, in most people, short hamstrings muscles and poor hip and back flexibility prevent torso from hanging upside down and the feeling of relaxation is not achieved.The Forward Bend in a standing position has many benefits; however there are some health conditions in which this asana is...more
Yoga and Emotional Health for Longevity
...roken heart.”How could Yoga help in this “worst case scenario?” When my mother passed away, at 50 years of age, it was a shock. She had one heart attack and she was gone. I was at the hospital, that night, and did not believe the doctor, who told me, “She has expired.” I dashed into the room to see for myself, ...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Creating a New Reality
... to avoid wasting time.Therefore, you should review your list of objectives daily. Take the time to do some soul searching, when you write your list. Here are some questions to consider.Can you design smaller and measurable goals? Are your objectives ethical and positive? What are your unique life skills? Can you visualize the outcome of your objectives? How muc...more
How To Lose Belly Fat Using Yoga
...ack with your legs straight and arms extended into the air in front of you. Once all of your limbs are extended from head to toe, point your palms forward and put your hands together. Then you need to contract your stomach muscles to sit up while keeping your back straight and hands in front of you. As you bend forward, hold your toes with your hands w...more
The Benefits of Chanting
...nown, has been used for a zillion years as a means to connect with the divine. If you look for its meaning in one of those spiritually tuned books, you will find that chanting is the “harmonious vocalization of key words, names and phrases that are used in ritual to attune oneself, raise energy and become centered.”Chanti...more


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