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Yoga Insights: Walking Yoga Meditation
... mountain lions, wolves, coyotes, and some people, do not have the same appreciation for walking Yoga meditation and you want to be careful about what you stumble across. You should also be aware that people do hunt in season, or out, and are not always where you expect them to be. Once I ran into a huntin...more
Different Poses For Yoga
...ble thigh muscles, relief from feeling tires, and pain relief from the sciatica. It is also a good pose for those who have problems with their flat feet and those who have asthma.2. Supported Shoulderstand will have you to move into an inverted pose. You will need a blanket to help strengthen your shoulders. The pose is known as the Salamba Sarvangasana. It will help you to get rid of stress, help...more
Power Yoga: Great For Core Fitness
...tness--that is, exercising the central muscles of your body, as opposed to focusing on your arm and leg muscles. Power yoga has the benefit of giving you a total body workout, so that the development in all areas of your body takes place more or less simultaneously. This is an excellent way of getting fit. And the stretching, balance, and concentration involved in yog...more
Should Yoga Teachers Be Marketing Themselves?
...oney by teaching Yoga classes? Is it wrong to be teaching Yoga as a career? In a “nut shell,” the answer is “no.” How can you exist without making a living?The whole concept of Yoga teachers, refusing money for their services, is absolutely ridiculous. Everyone, who performs a service of value, should be paid for it. Anything of value is worth something. It is a fact that Yoga ...more
Yoga Instructor Salary - Is Money Evil?
...ue that the wealthy are greedy? Many of them give to charity, but some do not. Therefore, having more money does not affect the behavior of giving. Many of the poor give to charity, and some do not.Is money (earning a living) the root of all evil? If this is true, then we should give up and do our best to live a poor life of bad health and starvation. Wait a mi...more


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