
Yoga Schools New York City


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Vedic Astrology - Finding Wealth and Right Livelihood in Your Chart
...ant as it represents the skills and abilities you use in your career. Again, I have the moon (Cancer) ruling the 2nd house (speech) with the Sun (Leo) ruling the third house of writing. So it is totally natural for me to make my living through public speaking and writing as well.Another unique contribution of Vedic Astrology is the use of yogas (union of two planets) to loo...more
Yoga - A Solution for Depression - Grab Your Yoga Mat & Do Inverted Yoga Poses Yoga helps alleviate depression by increasing brain chemicals that contribute to a natural physical high. Through the release of these chemicals, a depressed person can be lifted out of despair to feel more energized and cheerful. The most beneficial yoga postures for depression are inverted poses.The reason is that inverted yoga poses increase the flow of ...more
Yoga Can Help to Avoid Cancer
...s not new—it just needs personal effort in recreating your own self-image to conform to how you really want to be. We have to ‘delete’ the image of ourselves in poor health and substitute a vibrant picture of health to which to aspire.This sounds so easy, yet most of us find its application is generally very difficult. However, as such researchers as the renowned Austral...more
Online Yoga Teacher Training
...ool was too far away from you. Well you're in luck because you can now become a yoga instructor through online training.Because of the nature of any online business you must be careful in choosing a program that is right for you and has meets strict criteria. You will want to choose a program that has a history of training people to become successful instructors.There are many options ...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Where to Begin
...s same reaction, while commuting to work, on a daily basis. Once one arrives at work, he or she may be subjected to unrealistic deadlines and office politics. This is just one scenario of many possible stressful situations, which may occur in the lives of our students.Once you have become a Yoga teacher, you have taken a vow to help students in need. The atmosphere in your classes, studio, or ...more


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