
Kam Yoga New York Studio


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How to Become a Yoga Instructor - The Inside Story
...ype of yoga you prefer to practice will guide you in choosing your training and the particular instructor certification process. Bikram yoga, vinyasa yoga, and hatha yoga, all take you down different training paths. Be cautious of training programs at your local yoga studio that require you to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to...more
More About Yoga Therapy for Increasing Self-Worth
...thoughts all the time. For some of us, the mind is programmed to default to negative thoughts automatically.This can be a result of past experience, conditioning, heredity, or, possibly, this is an organic problem. In the case of an organic problem, professional help should be sought. Yoga therapy, or Yoga sessions, will still help, but a competent psychiatr...more
Five Relaxation Techniques for Fibromyalgia
...ative state for 20 minutes.3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation – Progressive muscle relaxation is an easy technique that works on every major muscle group in the body. It aids in decreasing tension in your muscles while it strengthens them. It can be done while sitting down or lying in bed.Begin by tensing th...more
Asana - Yoga Poses Or Something Else? Find Out!
...átañjali: there are as many Asanas as there are human beings on the face of the Earth.Others, however, limit the number of Asanas to 84,000, of which 840 are the most important and, of these, only 84 are considered fundamental. In the current book, we present 2,000 asanas. It is the largest compilation yet achieved in the history of Yôga in the world.But, what is an asan...more
Digestive Disorders - Yoga Management
... breathing can also open up blocked areas of energy in the body- blocked energy, or chi, in the stomach/intestines, is often the cause of digestive problems.** Yoga calms us, which in turn relaxes the digestive system and leads to more effective elimination.** Several asanas like cobra, Hero, Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose), Supported Supta Sukhasana, and an upright variat...more
