
Institute Iyengar New Yoga York


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Teaching Hatha Yoga - Abundance is Under Your Nose
...jali put his own ideas, and those from the past, into print. Should he have withheld the Yoga Sutras from humanity for the sake of humility? Of course not, and creativity should not be stifled, as long as it falls within moral and ethical guidelines.What can any of us contribute to mankind? Our ideas should be applied to solve the problems, which plague mankind. If you want to h...more
Mats Used For Yoga need to think about in your yoga mat. The mat you choose will need to stay firm and not slip in any position you are doing. You may want to run the mat through a few poses before you take it up to be paid for. This may be your own personal preference in the fact of what you find to be comfortable and firm. You can also find one t...more
Yoga Tips for Managing Anxiety and Cultivating Positive Energy
...ersal energy, and “Yama,” which means restraint.In effect, Pranayama is the cultivation of universal energy through breath. You have the ability, within your being, to make sure the energy you cultivate is positive, with the help of Pranayama and a positive mental attitude.There are many methods for the cultivation of Prana to choose from, but let’s start with a deep natural breath. This is ...more
Yoga Instruction - How to Find the Right Yoga Teacher for You
... reason I decided to attend the class. Additionally, she was facing one way and the students were facing the opposite way, so it was very difficult to see what she was doing. Needless to say, I wasn’t impressed.I am optimistic by nature so the next morning, I took another class at the same center, but this time there was a different teacher leading the practice. Her sty...more
Bhakti Yoga - The Science of Devotion
... This power has the capacity to confer grace and mercy on him and thus protecting him from all the harms and evils. The devotee or bhakta is expected to make himself fit for receiving this divine grace. For this, he has to practice devotion and virtue. His ultimate goal should be to unite with this divine power and rest eternally in happ...more
