
Tantric Yoga New York


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Tips On Getting The Most Out Of Corpse Pose In Yoga
...leep, the motor neurons in the nervous system become more active, and the idea with the relaxation postures is to quieten them.Start practicing shavasana for 3 to 5 minutes, then build up to 15 as your personal limits allow.Come out of the corpse pose slowly, wiggling your toes and fingers, bringing the arms overhead to stretch them, and stretching down to your toes. Then roll over to one side, a...more
Practice Yoga to Develop Patience
...hen you look at the list of virtues that Yoga embraces - patience is one of many. Yet, the development of patience, through the practice of Yoga, could change the quality of your life right away. Traffic jams, delays, extra paperwork, and last-second changes, cause many of us to be irritable - but just how imp...more
The Healing Power of Yoga
...more oxygen.Lack of oxygen to the muscles builds up lactic acid within the muscles, which leads to our sore muscles after a serious workout. Oxygen also plays a vital role in managing stress. It has been found in numerous studies that one who is under stress has low blood oxygen levels, and this is due to the fact that t...more
Yoga Clothes - A Fit For Better Yoga clothes just become as important as any other things in your life.The clothes which are used for doing yoga are made of different materials making it as popular as ever to all kinds of people for whom it will be very useful. One should see to it that these clothes should be very comfortable as it should allow free movement of your various body ...more
What is Yoga?
... yama, focuses on one's behavior in the world and attitude towards those around him or her. The five yamas are: ahimsa or nonviolence, satya or truthfulness, asteya or non-stealing, bramacharya or non-lust, aparigraha or non-possessiveness.The second limb, niyama, refers to one's behavior and attitude towards on...more


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