
Natural Yoga Travel Mat


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How to Become a Successful Yoga Teacher
... because money is only a commodity, such as energy. If we misuse it, that is our loss, but if we help others, that is rewarding to all of us. Much like when we use energy, we are only temporary “keepers of money.”Make use of money, and help those who you can. Strangely, more money will come back to y...more
Breathing Exercises For Asthma
... in patients. Pranayama is an effective breathing technique of yoga that helps to maintain relaxed and controlled breath. Pranayama is a sanskrit word meaning "control of the life force". To achieve control over the life force, two steps are to be followed - control of the body through posture and control of breath.There are three phases in pranayama exercises - puraka or inhalation, ...more
Weight Loss through Yoga - Loose Weight Effectively!
...and your life. As you are more relaxed, you will find it easier to control and eventually eliminate emotional binges and snacking between meals. The deep breathing exercises (pranayama) enhance concentration and inner strength, which help you stick to a diet or an alternative exercise routine.Yoga tones and strengthens every muscle in your body. It also stimulates glands that secrete hormones w...more
The Many Benefits of Yoga of ToxinsThese ancient and efficient yoga techniques also provide a thorough detoxification of the body. Stretching the muscles and performing a complete yoga workout acts as a massage, thereby ensuring the optimal blood supply to every organ. Consequently, toxins are eliminated from the body and certain undesired processes, such as agin...more
Your Yoga Practice - 7 Guidelines For The Ultimate Beneficial Yoga Experience
...ssist you into the pose?Most importantly, become aware of what thoughts and feelings course through your body while moving from one asana to the next and practice accepting those thoughts and feelings, without judgment. Just let those thoughts and feelings exist, observe them, without comment!Now look at the STRUCTURE of your yoga practice. As it is im...more
