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Yoga - The Psychological Benefits
...ell.Like stress, yoga can help with confronting anxiety. Anxiety often leads individuals to think about their fears or concerns. Since Yoga helps you to focus, individuals can learn to turn their minds away from the anxiety and focus their thoughts on more tranquil images.One practice of Yoga, called Anuloma Viloma, is breathing through one nostri...more
My Experience with Bikram Yoga
... oldest participant in the class.When I entered the flaming hot classroom, it was clear to me that, to my relief I was not the "oldest one" in the class room. I was happily surprised at my ability to do so many of the postures. My self realization during the hot yoga class was my need to "stress" or hurry up at all times.Constant focus on slowing down the breath and only breathing through m...more
YogaSutra - First Text On Yoga
...long with Asanas. Basically Breath is the force that controls our life. Life ends when a living thing stops breathing. So the yogis developed this technique to nurture, increase the control life force. The various types of breathing techniques are Ujjayee, Shitali, Viloma, Kapalabhati, Anuloma, Suryabhedana. Some of the bre...more
Tips For Finding The Right Yoga Teacher
...o Source-God isn't good enough. In other words, are they suggesting you place your power outside of yourself, or do they reiterate that you in fact are your own guide, and can get their quite well under your own steam.* Are they (or the prominent representatives of their yoga discipline) overly concerned with money, fame, power, ...more
The Secret of Karma Yoga
...ssed on. The pundit said that this was the matter-of-fact answer to his question. What an unselfish action! The sage handed over the polished stick to a shepherd boy. He expected nothing in return.Ramana said: “Karma Yoga or the Yoga of action is that yoga in which the person does not arrogate to himself the function of being the actor” Acc...more


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