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The Top Five Benefits of Yoga Exercise
...ative messages and feelings inside, and the practice of yoga helps a person better tune into the person that they are inside, increasing self awareness and self esteem.There are lots of other advantages and benefits of adding yoga exercise into your fitness workouts, including the fact that it is both inexpensive and relatively easy to do. You may find by incorporating yoga into your ...more
Fourth Niyama - Svadhyaya
... no single answer to this question, but the beginning of self-study starts the day a Yoga student decides to be present in his or her practice. For Hatha Yoga students, this may occur as an epiphany during Asana practice, because the emphasis was based upon mastering Asana, Pranayama, and thought.For a student of Jnana Yoga, this epiphany might occur during a reading of scriptures or after a...more
Yoga Clothing Guide - Always Buy the Best Yoga Clothes
... Don’t choose form fitting clothes because they restrict to perform correct breathing techniques. Buy some best yoga shorts; sweat clothes, and yoga pants. You should feel comfortable whatever you choose for your yoga practices.Sometimes you’re allowed to wear yoga shoes and socks so try to purchase comfortable shoes. With a bad set of yoga clothes you’ll not be able to do difficult yog...more
Svadhyaya - Niyama of Self-Study
...h toward calming the mind and beginning the practice of self-inquiry.This is an easier way for a Yoga student to indulge in self inquiry without feeling like he or she is in a battle with the “monkey mind.” If a person cannot settle the mind, there are many methods to choose from.From a personal perspective, the study of sacred texts, scriptures, or ...more
Yoga and Emotional Health for Longevity
...igarettes, that day. Yes, once upon a time, I was a smoking Yogi.Many of you have far worse stories to tell, but we have to take back control of our minds, or we will perish from the resulting damage to our hearts.Consider this: If your heart is aching over something you know is “small stuff” - you know you need Pranayama right now, positive affirm...more
