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Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga and Arthritis
...shoulder stretches, and neck exercises, are a good start to get the student ready for more challenging poses. Hand clenching, and wrist bending, will help those with arthritis in the hands and arms. Ankle bending and rotation increase circulation and flexibility in the lower legs. These very basic movements, along with full body poses, such as the corpse pose, are a good place ...more
Chair Yoga Case Study – No More Chronic Neck Pain
...nnection in her classes. The meditative experience of her classes carries through my day. I try to attend two of her classes each week and use her videos when I can’t be in class in person. I feel as though the class is meditation in motion and I also have enjoyed the sense of community that is part of her class experience. She works to help us be pr...more
Yoga for Beginners - Useful Tips for Beginners
...d that yoga be performed on an empty stomach, prior to a full meal or at least an hour or two after eating. Evade stimulating poses during the evening. This comprises the sun salutation, the standing poses and backward bending poses. Pay thought to feelings of pain. Yoga is not about competitiveness. Move through the asanas (poses) at your own pace. Never force or pull your b...more
Yoga Techniques
...tensions built during the exercise and allows one to mentally relive the exercise.5. MeditationAfter preparing your body through posture, movement of joints, deep breathing and relaxation the spirit is ready for meditation. The yoga techniques help to increase the awareness and one can focus on concentration. Through concentrating the thoughts on one subjec...more
Yoga Clothing Guide - Always Buy the Best Yoga Clothes
... in mind while purchasing yoga apparel. Don’t choose form fitting clothes because they restrict to perform correct breathing techniques. Buy some best yoga shorts; sweat clothes, and yoga pants. You should feel comfortable whatever you choose for your yoga practices.Sometimes you’re allowed to wear yoga shoes and socks so try to purchase comforta...more


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