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Your Mental Energy Sphere - Book Review
...Shyam coaxes individuals to find their true happiness. Though Shyam provides the tools, he makes it clear that readers will have to take the steps that will ensure their own satisfaction in life.Your Mental Energy Sphere is certainly an upbeat and educational publication. I recommend it to anyone looking for something that they just can’t quite reach. For any seeker of understa...more
Yoga Improves Fitness: One Trial and You'll See
...xercises, you really may not (re-phrase will not) need a gym or cumbersome equipment to get a total body workout.Another great benefit of Yoga lies in its unique Abdominal and Breathing exercises. These ones work. Being a former asthmatic and lethargic person, they have been an integral reason why m...more
Yoga in Practice - Yogic Solutions for Fear
...hould be sought.Let's look at a common fear that most of us take for granted, which might be a phobia in some, but leaves its traces in many of our personalities. We might call it "fear of rejection." This is a fear we learned as children. We wanted to be accepted by our peers, give the right answer to our teacher, or make our parents proud of us.For one reason, or another, we discovered di...more
Free Yoga Exercise Online
...xercise Online One of the greatest things about the internet you can find almost anything online. You can use the internet to find free yoga exercise poses and routines that will help you learn more about yoga.If you are just starting out in yoga, then finding yoga exercises online is a great way to learn how effective yoga is at relieving stress and gaining flexibi...more
What A Unique Vacation By Going On An Astanga Yoga Retreat India
... taken on a guided tour of cultural and spiritual sites. If you desire to become a certified yoga instructor perhaps achieving this goal at this package in some exotic location is preferable to a room in a warehouse. Why not relax on a beautiful beach after your yoga classes.A Typical Day at an India's Astanga yoga retreatYou begin with two hours of sadhana, also known as spiritual...more
