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The Four Stages of Yoga Evolution
...rliament of Religions in Chicago. Later on, he traveled around the U.S and spread Yoga traditions.This was Yoga history and evolution, "interesting isn't it?" it shows us how important the Yoga is in all times. As if, it is in the human beings instincts, and as if, we are born with its love. Yoga is essential for all the human races to keep up a good health and life.Next,...more
Need To Improve Your Health Or Flexibility? Try Yoga
... regular practice of Yoga can make a big difference to your flexibility.Yoga is a low impact, slow and invigorating form of stretching exercise. It is not specifically designed with stretching in mind, but this is certainly one of it’s benefits. As Yoga exercises or movements are done slowly and carefully, over time this will lead to an im...more
Yoga for Self-Confidence
...will not find your true purpose in life, if you are living the dreams of someone else. What are your own personal passions? You have to establish your own true purpose in life with complete honesty.You must analyze what you do well, what your passions are, what your responsibilities are, and then make a decision about your ...more
Exercise and Yoga for Hypothyroidism
...uces less thyroxin hormone that is not sufficient to the body’s requirement and therefore, the body lacks the hormone and ends up into metabolism complications.However, hypothyroidism is well treated and controlled by the supplementation of thyroxin hormone but there are certain methods that can help you to live with the disease very ha...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Value of Props
...iate, and advanced. Each body is unique and will be exceptional in some ways and less exceptional in others. We should stop focusing on the next “advanced posture” and think about the alignment of the Yoga posture we are in at the present moment.Proper alignment should never be compromised for the sake of the ego. When you know that a blanket, bolster, ba...more
