
Sports Equipment Gaiam Yoga Blocks


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The Cure to Loneliness: Finding a Guru
...hion—yet many yogis still try to remain close to the roots of yoga.One of the ways that yogis strive to remain closely tied to the true purpose of the practice is by tightening their grip on what they think is most “classical,” the finding of a guru. This is, in my opinion, the most important piece of yogic philosophical principles. While the west has shaped yoga and turned it into an amazing p...more
Surfing in 5 Easy Steps
... you been trying to surf and have felt unbelievably hopeless or frustrated ? Here are a few tips to help you get up on your surfboard and ride for longer!1. learn to choose your surfing conditions and read the waves.A good understanding of different surf breaks and when they are most suitable and optimum for your surf ability will save you hours of frustrating...more
Yoga and Pregnancy Benefits
...e labor and delivery of her child and may also lessen some of the woman's pains and anxieties.As previously mentioned, yoga can play an important part in a woman having a relaxed, comfortable pregnancy and childbirth experience. However, the benefits of yoga do not end there. Yoga can also help the woman to get back into shape after pregnancy and will help to ease the t...more
5 Reasons Why You Should Start Practicing Yoga and Meditation
...t loss programs. Similarly, the mental strength that you can get from both yoga postures and from meditation can help you to gain a better control over your diet and this can result in healthy and permanent weight loss.4. Yoga and meditation will bring you inner peaceYou may be earning a lot of money ...more
Some Different Types of Yoga Poses
...u should also sit to the right of this pose and place your left leg over your right foot with your foot on the outer side of your right knee. Next you should try to keep your spine straight and bring your right heel much closer to your buttocks and stretch your arms out to your shoulder level. Next you bring your right arm over the left knee and hold your l...more
