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Easy Exercise for Arthritis
...ds of joints and many times makes things worse. Excessive loading of the joints (for example, pounding on a treadmill) damages cartilage and that can lead to osteoarthritis. Also, most exercise focuses on arms and legs and does not include the spine or hands.There are many joints in the body to nourish, over 100 in the spine and more than 20 in each hand. Look around you at the gym. Do you see ...more
The Cure to Loneliness: Finding a Guru
... in America, yet some misconceptions are still etched in the practice. For example, we think yoga is practiced in hot rooms just because it is hot in India; we have this image in our minds of ancient yogis practicing warrior two and sun salutations, and we think that in order to be a true guru, your nat...more
How to Borrow from Yoga for Weight Loss
...ions of the body come in contact with the floor: the two feet, two knees, two hands, chest and forehead.7. Inhale and bend back as much as possible bending the spine to the maximum.8. Exhale and lift the body of the floor. Keep the feet and heels on the floor.9. Inhale and bring the right foot along the level of the hands; left foot and knee should touch ...more
Kids Yoga: A Solution to Global Obesity in Children
...ord to wait until the next study on childhood obesity is completed to take action. Children are bigger than ever, due to inactivity and a high fat / carbohydrate diet. Large numbers of big children will become even bigger adults, who are at risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, various forms of cancer, and much mor...more
Practical Applications of Yogic Philosophy - Perception and Myth
... you should learn not to judge yourself harshly because you were not mentally present in your Yoga class.To be “in the moment,” or to be mentally present for your Yoga practice, is the key to advancing your practice in Yoga. In fact, physical postures (Asanas) are part of the practice, but they are not the primary emphasis of most forms of ...more
