
Bikram Yoga Chicago Ave


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OM - What It Is And How To Use It In Your Yoga Practice
...word, but rather a sound, more like music. OM is believed to be the sounds of the world and contains within it all the other sounds in the world. OM is a prayer or a mantra in and of itself. When OM is repeated with a proper intonation, it resonates through the body so it penetrates into one's body and soul. In the sound of OM, th...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Side Effects of Yoga Practice
...occur from Yoga practice.Stress becomes manageable, internal conflicts are reduced, and you develop complete clarity through Yoga practice. The most valuable aspects of Yoga are enhanced mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.Meditation is one the most important Yogic methods, because this practice eliminat...more
Benefit of Yoga - The Christian Viewpoint
... have originated in Mehrgarh, a neolithic settlement in what is now Afghanistan. Scholars believe it has grown out of Stone Age Shamanism. In this early period of civilization's beginnings, Yoga was a community resource, because of its attempts to determine cosmic order through inner vision, and apply it to daily living. In later years, yoga evolved into an inner dialogue ...more
Choose Yoga Exercises For Relieving Stress And Staying In Shape
...e beneficial in that it may give you greater insight in managing difficult situations effectively. As you become relaxed when doing the exercises or poses, you will find that the body is able to transcend limits of movement. Yoga is important because it helps lengthen, strengthen and creates room for the body to move freely...more
Yoga is Suitable for Everyone
...ay of showing the unseen consciousness in form through specific diagrams, and movements. One of the diagrams that is used to show the joining of the physical and spiritual bodies is two triangles superimposed upon one another. The downward-pointing triangle represents the physical body. The upward-pointin...more
