
Earth Elements Yoga Mat


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Yoga Explained, but they don't realize that there is a lot more to it than that.Yoga is a group of old Hindu spiritual practices that started in India, where it still is a tradition and is seen as a means to enlightenment. The four main types of Yoga are Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Raja Yoga but there are many other types. In the America, the popular Yoga us...more
Pranayama -- The Yoga of the Breath
...s a study break; pranayama is useful any time you need to detach from your mind and rest.The breath is the wave upon which yoga postures flow one into the other and is one of the most important aspects of yoga. When we take a moment to notice and improve the quality of our breath we have more oxygen movin...more
Using Breath to Deepen Your Yoga Practice
...ant aspect of breathing in yoga has to do with the fact that the brain's pulse is connected to your breath rather than to your heartbeat. Altering the breath therefore alters your brain wave patterns, which is important in meditation but also for getting a feeling of relaxation and energy from your yoga practice.There are many different ways to breathe, of course, and different yoga teachers a...more
Yoga Teacher Training: The Value of the Sage in Yoga
...s have to be impressed by the extremes. When people think of Yoga, they often think of circus tricks, pretzel bodies, and gymnastic feats. Feats of physical prowess are a wonderful thing, but you do not need a Yoga teacher’s instruction, or a sage’s advice, to perform them.When I was visiting a colleague’s Yoga studio, a young wom...more
Crocodile, Cold Calling And Yoga
... improved unbelievably. I have been selling all my life and never felt so much healthier and happier since that day I started YOGA. I practice 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes before lunch. The effect is the most amazing feeling of a complete rejuvenated body and spirit ready to work and accomplish tasks with a new level of energy I would not experienced ever in...more


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