
Yoga Video Recommendation


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Yoga in Practice: Helping Negative People (Part 1)
... not waste my time helping them out.” What if this person is a family member, or loved one, who has turned bitter for some reason? You care deeply for this person and want to help.Helping people is an example of selfless service, without seeking a reward of any kind. We also know this as Karma Yoga. Mahatma Gandhi is a classic example of a Karma Yoga practitioner.However, ...more
Asana - Yoga Poses Or Something Else? Find Out!
...considered fundamental. In the current book, we present 2,000 asanas. It is the largest compilation yet achieved in the history of Yōga in the world.But, what is an asana after all? Asana is the corporal technique that, for many people, is the most prevalent stereotype of Yoga. This is due to the fact that, among all the techniques of Yōga, the only one which is photographable, filmable and ab...more
Yoga Products - Ushering Into A Wholesale Business Segment
...religious jewelry etc. are also high in demand. In a religion Hinduism, the process of offering worship involves so many rituals as well as items (poojan saamagri). And it is not possible to produce these items at every place of the globe where Hindus are dwelling. Thus, a lot of business activity takes place from shipping the articles fro...more
Facet Joint and You
...structor has the knowledge to take you through a safe stretching program that will leave you feeling healthier and happier. Depending on the severity of the facet joint problem, you may have to live your whole life with a constant reminder that it is there. In most cases, however, yoga with a proper instru...more
Yoga Postures For Kids
... if only for a short time.Many yoga postures for kids are taught in postures, vinyasas, or yoga flows. The postures have clever names such as bridge, cobra, mountain, and cat and dog. A vinyasas is a sequence of postures, and yoga flows are vinoyasas that continuously flow form one to another. Yogoa postures for kids are not speed events and are not meant to be done to...more


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