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A Great Way To Find Best-Selling Book Ideas For Your eBay Business
...ay called Better Sex Through Yoga for Gay Men. It reminds me of an American writer who, many years back, took the three best selling book topics of the day - sex, diet and exercise - and combined them into one hybrid book. The Sensuous Dieter's Guide to Weight Loss During Sex appealed not to one major audience, but to three, and immediately hit t...more
Overcoming Eating Disorders Through Yoga
...ther an explore new concepts that will enable you to achieve goals that proved problematic in the past.Being aware of the problem and showing a constant and strong desire to change that is a great method to reduce the effects of bulimia and anorexia. An early adoption of yoga practices would make the patient more aware of...more
The Manifold Benefits Of Yoga
...erent tendons and ligaments of the body.It has also been found that the body which may have started doing yoga being a rigid one may experience a quite remarkable flexibility in the end on those parts of the body which have not been consciously worked upon.3. yoga also massages all organs of the body. Yoga is perhaps the only exercise that can work on through your internal organs in a t...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture - The Pigeon
... Posture - The Pigeon The One-Legged King Pigeon Posture – (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)‘Eka’ means one, ‘Pada’ means foot, ‘Raja’ means king, and ‘Kapota’ means pigeon. In this posture the chest is pushed forward like that of a pigeon, hence the name given.The Pigeon is a superb advanced back bending posture in its complete form, demanding great flexibility in the entir...more
Bhakti Yoga - The Science of Devotion
... man because it gives him a feeling security and develops a kind of reliance and dependence on the object of his devotion.Bhakti yoga assumes that there is a higher power that has created the universe and is all-powerful. This power has the capacity to confer grace and mercy on him and thus protecting him from all the harms and evils. The devotee or bhakta is...more
